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C. M. Clelland, M.D. Biography Harrison County WV

C. M. CLELLAND, M. D., the leading physician and surgeon of Jacksonburg, Wetzel County, West Virginia, was born September 5, 1858, near Fairmont, Marion County, Virginia, now West Virginia, and is a son of John and Elvie (Clayton) Clelland.

John Clelland was born in Virginia, and was a son of Patrick Clelland, a native of Ireland. He was a farmer through life, and died in 1889. aged 65 years.

The mother of Dr. Clelland comes from two very prominent families, the Flemings and the Claytons. She was born in Marion County, and is a daughter of William and Lydia (Fleming) Clayton, both of whom were Virginians by birth. The Flemings were the founders of Flemington and Fairmont. William Clayton was a son of Little Clayton, of Delaware, who was born in England. William Clayton served under Washington in the Revolutionary War and at its close settled in what is now West Virginia. Although past middle life, he also took part in the War of 1812 and died at an advanced age. Mrs. Clelland still resides in Fairmont, at the age of 61 year-, being just 16 years and six months older than her son, the Doctor, who was her eldest child, the others being: Olive Sandora; Nellie, wife of Heath Michaels, of Fairmont; Sandora, who married Festis Morgan: George, of Fairmont; Lvdia and Hattie.Dr. Clelland was reared in Marion County and was educated in the schools of his vicinity, finishing in the Fairmont High School. His medical training was obtained in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore. Maryland, and in Starling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio; he was graduated from the latter institution in 1882. He settled then in Wallace. Harrison County, West Virginia, remaining there in practice for 12 years and then removed to Bristol, Harrison County, for a short time, later to West Union, Doddridge County, and in 1891 located at Jacksonburg, where he has enjoyed a lucrative practice ever since.

In 1883 Dr. Clelland married Alice Robinson, of Wallace, West Virginia, who died one year later. His second marriage was to Hattie Lynch, also of Wallace, and the four children born to this union are: Walter Ramsey, Mary, A., Bertie and Isaac H., all at home.

Dr. Clelland is a valued member of the Harrison County Medical Society, of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Association of Surgeons, and is surgeon at Jacksonburg for the Baltimore & Ohio road. In politics he is a very ardent and enthusiastic Democrat. In both social and professional life. Dr. Clelland is most highly esteemed in Jacksonburg and vicinity.

Men of West Virginia, Vol 2, Illustrated, Biographical Publishing Co, George Richmond, Pres.; C. R. Arnold, Sec’y and Treas., Chicago, Illinois, 1903. p577

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  1. Do you know if Dr. Clellands son walter married a woman named Lillian white? If so, Dr. Clelland is my great great great grandfather.

    Comment by tori timmer | June 24, 2011 | Reply

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